söndag 3 juni 2012

Interview with Lena Furberg in Bild&Bubbla

One of the many upsides and priviledges of working in the Swedish comic industry is to meet all the inspiering (and totally awesome!!) artists and writers! Both native and international.

Through Bild & Bubbla (Scandinavia's firstmost magazine about comics) I got the chance to meet and
interview one of my biggest childhood heroes (she's still my hero!); Lena Furberg, this fall. I had a great time! She really is a honest and humble person, and I felt very empowered, encouraged and inspired after meeting her.

She kindly accepted me visiting her home and doing this interview, and now the issue's out! Featuring my interview and a special art- and sketches section with her work! Exciiiiting!

Go out and get a copy of your very own!
Bild&Bubbla can be found in (some) Pressbyrån, at Adlibris.se and through Seriefrämjandet's Serieaffären.

I borrowed this image from Lena's webpage. Sorry, but I just had to show of some of her amazing talents to my international readers. This is a page from one of my favourites stories of hers. 
Please visit Lena's own webpage: www.lenafurberg.com

Also, yesterday I had my LAST EXAM FOR THIS SCHOOL YEAR!! WHOHOOOO!!! GO ME!! *totally proud*
.. Tomorrow I'll seriously start up my work with Seriescenen for this fall's Book Fair in Gothenburg. I'm very  much looking forward to it!

But, now; I'm going to make some noodle-soup and enjoy the last episode of GCB!

Totally my favourite show at the moment! (along with Friendship is Magic and True Blood..)


- Fanny

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